Sunday, March 6, 2011

Giveaway! :: Utah County Photographer, Utah County Photography ::

Guess what?  I've been working really hard for the last two weeks building a website.  As of today, my website is up and running.  I'm really excited so, to celebrate the occasion, I'm doing my first ever giveaway!  Here's the drill.  I'm giving away an "Every Day Life" session.  To see the full details on what that session includes, go to my website then click the Pricing tab.  You'll find all the information there.

To enter: You can have up to three entries for the giveaway.  For your first entry, go to my facebook fan page  and "Like" it.  For the second entry, suggest my facebook page to your friends so they can like it.  For the third entry, post a blog with information on this giveaway.

When you've done all that, either comment on this blog post or comment on the wall of my facebook page.  Make sure to let me know if you need one, two, or three entries in the contest.  The contest ends one week from today, on March 13th.

Good luck!


  1. I don't have a facebook!! I am the only person in the world who doesn't... besides my husband. So I am just going to do one entry! But lets count that as 3!

  2. I like you on facebook and everywhere else!

  3. Liked you on facebook and will blog about you soon! (my next post is 200 so I'm saving that for a special one, but the one after that is for you! )

  4. Liked you on facebook, shared it with my friends and even blogged about it!! 3 entries please please!!

  5. blogging complete! Hope you get lots of traffic from your giveaway-you are wonderful!

  6. encourage my friends to come to your website-CHECK!

  7. LOVE it! I need 2 entries please! :D

  8. Oh how I hope I WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Pick me! Pick Me! I love the new website good job :) Sign me up for 2 entries I liked you and suggested it to my friends. I SO need new fam pics!

  10. Hey Kristen! I didn't know you were doing exciting!! It's been a while since I saw you at the Sweet Tweets Boutique. Have you done any other shows? What a fun giveaway!!! Good Luck with your business, your site is darling and easy to navigate!

  11. :D I entered! Liked on FB, Suggested on FB and blogged about you :)
    I love your new web site! Travis is working on's a school project therefore slow going because it basically is his class :)
